About Us

Our Organization uses a Community Led Development approach dubbed Accelerated Collective Action (ACA) aimed at ending extreme poverty and hunger, whereby communities are mobilized for action and change towards meeting SDGs and self-reliance. Accelerated Collective Action combines facilitated meetings, visioning, mindset change, community capacity building, action planning by households and the community, in order to impact individual livelihoods and creating a sense of social cohesion within the whole communities. Accelerated Collective Action, is a community activation process, whereby communities, households and individuals are brought together to plan and unlock a local capacity for change.

The approach has three interconnected pillars that create an essential path to sustainable development:

  1. Mobilizing people for self-reliant action: Supporting communities to overcome their sense of despair and hopelessness and reclaim their dignity and confidence and improving their lives.
  2. Empowering women as key change agents: Women carry out the bulk of the work needed to meet basic needs. When they step into leadership roles, they shift their community’s priorities toward issues of gender equality, sanitation, nutrition, health and education.
  3. Forging effective partnerships with Government at all levels; Such partnerships support localization and ownership of SDGs by strengthening the capacity of LGs and communities to meet SDGs; communities have a voice in local decision making, resources like teachers, health workers and basic medicines – are made available to the community, skills, methodologies and decision-making power to successfully achieve the SDGs.

These three pillars come together in a proven and systematic methodology based upon true Empowerment that culminates in sustainable, integrated development in the spirit of the SDGs.

Although we work on all aspects of SDGs in the communities, our major focus lies on Goals; 1,2, 5, 8 and 17.

1. No Poverty: Access to basic human needs of health, education, sanitation.

2. Zero Hunger: Providing food and humanitarian relief, establishing sustainable food production.

5. Gender Equality: Education regardless of gender, advancement of equality laws, fairer representation of women.

8. Decent Work and Economic Growth: Creating jobs for all to improve living standards, providing sustainable economic growth.

17. Partnerships for the Goals: Revitalize strong global partnerships for sustainable development.